Craft Circle

The 3rd Saturday of the Month, 6 pm - 9 pm
RoseyRavelston Bookstore, 1 Badgery Crs Lawson
Confirm upcoming date and location

An informal social event held once a month, for crafters of all kinds to gather, connect and craft. Simply come along, bring a project, craft in company, and connect with fellow crafters.

Our goal is to welcome people in and encourage inclusiveness, so if you love to create, please don't hesitate to come along. And if you'd love to learn more about getting into crafts, come along as well!

Spinning Workshops

Spinning is an amazing craft - creative, relaxing, accessible, rich in history, and full of possibilities. Francie has over 10 years of experience spinning, primarily with hand-held drop spindles, and she’s so happy to be harnessing that experience to introduce more people to spinning.

Teaching with passion, dedication and knowledge. It’s just wonderful to see the yarn that students can produce only a couple of hours after picking up their first spindle!

Craft Circle and Spinning Workshops are run as an extension of the workshop program at Lyttleton Stores Cooperative, with the support of RoseyRavelston Bookshop & Social Enterprise.