Colour Handling in Spinning

As spinners, we have so many options when it comes to colour - all of the beautiful bright fibre available to us! But it's easy to get overwhelmed, and it can be challenging to keep on track as we move from fibre to yarn to eventual project. 

This workshop will provide you with knowledge and skills to navigate the colour journey - starting with developing an understanding the colour possibilities in fibre - then planning the yarn you want to spin, with or without a project in mind - and finally exploring the techniques that allow you to spin that yarn, including chain plying, fractal spinning, gradient spinning, variegate spinning, matching plies and more.

You will explore a wide range of samples to discover how many possibilities exist in a single colourway, as well as having the chance to spin your own. You will also be invited to bring fibre from your own stash that might be posing a colour challenge - to discuss with the group and brainstorm an approach! 

Join the mailing list or get in contact to learn more about upcoming workshops.

NB: This is a general outline for a workshop that Francie teaches. Please see individual booking sites for the details on specific workshops.


Spinning on a Turkish Spindle


Weaving with Francie