Curious Moth

An exploration of silk - beyond the familiar commercially processed Mulberry Silk. Beginning with a warp of yarns spun from the silks of wild and semi-domesticated moths in the Saturniidae family - Eri, Muga and Tussah. And complimented with weft spun from a drum-carded blend of wild silks, Navajo Churro wool, and textured waste silks - Throwsters, Sari, Noils, Laps, Hankies and Cocoons.

The natural colour and texture of various silks can be perceived and appreciated - silk as something wild and expressive. Inlays of rough spun Tussah Silk Laps reflect the path taken by a caterpillar as it traverses its environment, and finally settles to weave its cocoon.


Comfort and Thistles


Lavender to Lichen